Our Services

Tax Compliance Service

Our objective is to ensure your company’s declaration and payment of the monthly Tax Returns, annual Tax Returns and other reporting are inaccordance with the applicable Regulations. We can help your company to manage tax compliance, manage tax risk and update regulation, thus allowing your company to focus on your business. We will actively inform you on all tax changes which could influence your company’s business operations. We have a strong team to provide tax compliance services of a consistently high quality.

Tax Litigation Service

Going through tax audit, objection, appeal or reconsideration can be tedious and distract your focus from your business. We will assist you throughout the entire process, ensure faster process and give the best possible outcome for your case.

Tax management strategic service

We understand that dealing with a complex taxation system may utilize large amount of your productive and valuable time. We are here to save your time researching thick taxation laws so you can focus on your business while helping you to optimize your after-tax income.

tax documentation

We will prepare and submit the necessary documents to Tax office. We will discuss with the Tax officer to ensure all process runs well and get the desired goal 

Other Services

We also offer our clients a variety of other tax services. We can represent you before the tax authorities based on a Power of Attorney, administer the correspondence between the tax authorities and yourselves to save your time and monitor such correspondence to be in a position to give you timely advice on the required steps

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